Next Generation – Necessary Steps


This page contains the information and forms necessary to register participants for the Leadership Jacksonville Next Generation (NextGen) program.

Please read all information in its entirety and respond as requested. We must receive responses and payment (unless Payment Plan granted) by Thursday, May 26, 2022.*

Earlier submission is strongly encouraged. Note that registration is not complete until forms and fees are received by Leadership Jacksonville.

*Please contact Meg Folds if there are special circumstances.

Four steps are required:

  1. Read the Policies and Expectations.

  2. Execute the Agreement and Waiver Form. This requires the signature of the participant and you will be acknowledging that you have read, understand and will adhere to the policies. This form is a fillable .pdf. To submit the form, please print it, complete and mail* or scan and email to Meg Folds ([email protected]).

  3. Complete and submit the Emergency Contact and Health Information.

  4. Make payment of the $500 Program Fee. This is done via credit card on our Payment Center.

  • If you need to request a payment plan or financial assistance that request must be completed and a minimum payment of $100 payment made by the Thursday, May 26 deadline. Additional information about payment plans or financial assistance can be found on the form.
  • If an invoice is needed for another person, company or organization who will be paying the $500 program fee or a portion of it, please provide the contact information (name, company, email) for invoicing.

If you have questions about the program, policies or the fee, please contact Meg Folds at [email protected] or 904-396-6263 extension 3.

Thank you for your prompt attention to these important matters.

*Leadership Jacksonville mailing address: 40 East Adams St., Suite 230, Jacksonville, FL 32202

The ‘Meet the Class’ Reception for participants will be on Thursday, June 2, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Jessie Ball duPont Center.